Medha and Chelsea's Services
Dog Sitting
Dog Walking
Mother's Helper
House Sitting
Car Wash
Party Planner
House Cleaning
Story Hour

All About Us:


Full name: Chelsea G. Schwartzman
Age: 13

I am a very hard worker. I also work very well with dogs ( I am the owner of two), as for tutoring I am a straight a student and recieve the honor roll of distinction every semester,I am also a proud student of the advanced math and spanish classes.


Full Name: Medha Dommaraju
Age: 13

I am also a very hard worker and always enjoy what i do. we are both very familiar with dogs and children(I have a younger sibling). I am also a proud student of the advanced classes provided at our middle school. I also receive the honor roll of distinction and straight A's

If you wish to contact us please don't hesitate to email us at!

medha and chelsea's services